Every nite at 7PM, my Tivo tapes the Food Network Challenge. Last nite was Challenge: National Pie Championship (2004). Over 400 pies were entered into this contest and after hearing pie pie pie about 4 million times half way though the episode, we only had pie on the brain. MUST.GET.PIE.
My fave pie is cherry, my hubby's is Village Inn French silk pie, however since we have no Village Inn's anywhere near us, apple is his #1b pie selection.
I called around and found that Epicure had both cherry and apple available. I also called Denny's, Boston Market, Publix and Jerry's Famous Deli. I was on a mission. lol. I had a list, if Epicure had slices that was top of my list, cause though i've never tasted their pies, Epicure makes phenomenal cakes. If they only sold whole pies, i was heading to Denny's who had both apple and French silk slices available.
Anyhoo i get to Epicure and only find apple mini-pies. They had one whole cherry pie, but A. it was a whole pie and i only needed to feed the craving tonite and B. it was $! Skipped it, grabbed one mini apple pie and picked up a Linzer tart cookie too (cause hello, i wasn't going to let a spontaneous trip to Epicure go to waste, i had to grab something different and fabulous). ;)
Got home, warmed up the pie and dug in. One bite in, major disappointment. The crust and apples were soggy. I looked over at my hubby and asked what he thought. He said, it's ok, but you make a much better pie. I sat back and enjoyed my soggy pie with a big smile on my face cause... YOU KNOW IT, MELI CAN COOK! :D
Here's a picture of the last apple pie i made. It's not much to look at, but it sure beats an Epicure apple pie!

UPDATE: The Linzer Tart cookie was FABULOUS! :)